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  • Ohad Regev, PhD (2023) - Ultrasonography fetal anomalies associated with autism

  • Apurba Shil PhD (2023) - Identifying genetic variants associated with autism in whole-exome sequencing data

  • Orly Kerub, PhD (2019) - Autism in the Bedouin population of the Negev



  • Noy Sadeh MD/MPH (2024) - Characteristics of children with co-occurring ASD and Epilepsia

  • Shachar Neeman MD/MPH (2024) - Association Between Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

  • Maor Hemo MD/MPH (2024) - Association Between Covid-19Vaccination During Pregnancy and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder. (Jointly with Dr. Dorit Shmueli)

  • Ronit Haris MPH (2024) - The impact of public trust on compliance to Covid guidelines during the first year of the outbreak. (Jointly with Prof. Nadav Davidovitch)

  • Noam Oberfersht M.Med.Sc. (2023) - Associations between nutritional and behavioral characteristics among children with autism spectrum disorder. 

  • Pnina Tachman M.Med.Sc. (2023) - Nutritional patterns among children with autism spectrum disorder. (Jointly with Prof. Danit Shachar)

  • Leena Elbedour M.Med.Sc. (2023) - Association between early nutritional characteristics and autism spectrum disorder. 

  • Talish Razi Benita MPH (2023) - Patient satisfaction from telehealth VS interpersonal treatment during the Covid-19 Pandemic. 

  • Shir Elimelech MD/MPH (2023) - Identifying Medical characteristics associated with comorbidity of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Congenital Heart Defects. (Jointly with Dr. Aviva Levites)

  • Aviv Ben-Kish MD/MPH (2023) - The association between different types of Anesthesia during labor and autism spectrum disorder of the offspring

  • Rewaa Balaum MPH (2023) - Association between early physiological growth measures and autism spectrum disorder. 

  • Or Lavi MPH (2022) - Comparison between personal protective equipment wearing protocols to shorten time to treatment in pre-hospital settings. (Jointly with Dr. Yuval Bitan and Dr. Oren Wacht)

  • Lea Shulamit Gottlieb-Ben zion, MPH (2021) - The Association Between Prenatal Maternal Anemia and ASD in Offspring (Jointly with Dr. Tamar Weinstock)

  • Yulia Triester, MD/MPH (2021) - Prevalence of diagnosed fibromyalgia, patients' characteristics, medication use, and healthcare services utilization among patients with fibromyalgia: a comparison between two ethnic populations in Southern Israel

  • Elizabeth Itsakov MPH (2021) - Immune system deficiencies and risk of ASD

  • Dana Ohana MPH (2021) - Birth and clinical characteristics associated with language regression in children with ASD

  • Einav Elhusiel, M.Med.Sc. (2021) - Early developmental risk factors of ASD

  • Shay Meisels Eran, MD/MPH (2021) - Exercising the Legal Right to Promoting Health Care for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Israel. (Jointly with Prof. Nadav Davidovitch)

  • May Weinberg, MD/MPH (2021) - The association between Prenatal maternal thyroid hormones and autism spectrum disorder of the offspring

  • Shaked Dahan Sharvit, MPH (2021) - The Relationship between the Regulatory Changes on Surgeries on the Mixed Funding of Surgical Procedures in Israel. (Jointly with Prof. Nadav Davidovitch)

  • Jenia Ben Zaken, MPH (2020) - Characteristics associated with knowledge about autism among medical stuff

  • Osnat Yechimovitch, MD/MPH (2020) - Identifying Characteristics Associated with Borderline ASD Diagnosis

  • Sharon Shorer, MD/MPH (2020) - The outcome of hemodialysis patients receiving blood transfusion. (Jointly with Prof. Yosef Haviv)

  • Shir Shalev, MD/MPH (2020) – Identifying distinct characteristics of autistic-savants. (Jointly with Prof. Lechaim Nagan)

  • Rotem Tal, MD/MPH (2020) – Whole Exome Sequencing for Early Diagnosis and Screening of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Israel. (Jointly with Prof. Nadav Davidovitch)

  • Teddy Frimerman, MD/MPH (2020) – lntergeneretional risk factors for autism

  • Leila Nadel, MPH (2020) – Implementation Efficacy of Colorectal Surgeries with ERAS protocol.

  • Nitzan Abelson, MD/MPH (2019) - The Association Between Antenatal Antimicrobial Therapy and Autism

  • Yael Gerzon, M.Med.Sc. (2018) - Identifying pre-and-perinatal risk factors of regressive autism

  • Morel Ragoler, M.Med.Sc. (2018) - Identifying unique facial characteristics of children with autism.

  • Linoy Gabay, MPH (2018) - The effect of multidisciplinary intervention on diabetes control in patients with poor glycemic control

  • Adi Azaugri, MD/MPH (2018) - Parental comorbidities associated with offspring autism

  • Ohad Fridman, MD/MPH (2018) - Mortality risk factors among end-stage renal disease patients. (Jointly with Prof. Yosef Haviv)

  • Noa Tsur, MD/MPH (2018) - Long-term mortality risk factors in pre-dialysis diabetic patients. (Jointly with Prof. Yosef Haviv)

  • Hila Rosenthal, M.Sc. (2017) - Association between CNVs and savant skills in children with autism

  • Iris Shtein, MPH (2017) - Association between CNVs and different autistic characteristics in children with autism

  • Rita Troitsa, M.Med.Sc. (2016) - Transgenerational genetic effect in autism

  • Halit Winter, MD/MPH (2016) - Classification between Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) infection with and without secondary alveolar pneumonia in children (Jointly with Prof. David Greenberg)

  • Erez Tsur, M.Med.Sc. (2015) - Population genetics of autism genes (Jointly with Prof. Michael Friger)


 MPH Research Project

  • Carmel Shamir, Einat Rote, Hadar Tzarum (2020) - The effect of Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) on Lymphoma patient prognosis after bone marrow transplantation

  • Ali abu Rami, Gal Asher, Sharon Shaibi (2018) - Association between physical activity and pain level  among patients suffering from back problems

  • Laura Itkin, Nili Miler, Vivi Sherdany (2016) - Characterization of patients with pressure ulcer that were referred to dietitians in Maccabi Health Care 2014-2015. 

  • Alona Yeoshev, Anna Haskin, Inessa Khandey (2015) - Assessing the efficacy of IUATLD questionnaire in detecting Asthma.

  • Ronit Yosefian, Anna, Hozei, Anna Sprikut (2014) - Assessing knowledge and beliefs about HPV vaccination among mothers of teenage girls


 MD Research Project

  • Tal Bronshtein (2024) - Characteristics of children with co-occurring ASD and ID 

  • Romi Bari (2023) - Prevalence of chronic diseases among siblings of children with ASD (Jointly with Dr. Gal Meiri)

  • Hadar Shafir (2021) - The familial contribution to exceptional talents among children with autism (Jointly with Dr. Gal Meiri)

  • Rotem Hamerman (2021) - Characteristics associated with the sex children with autism (Jointly with Dr. Gal Meiri)

  • Lihi Schwartz, (2021) - Specialized Care of AKI Patients in a Designated Nephrology Department is Associated with  a Lower Short-Term Mortality Rate. (Jointly with Prof. Yosef Haviv)

  • Omer Rosenstok, (2021) - Direct care of CKD patients in a Designated Nephrology Department Results in Reduced Short-Term Mortality. (Jointly with Prof. Yosef Haviv)

  • Yonah Hendel (2020) – Factors associated with compliance with genetic screening among children diagnosed with autism. (Jointly with Dr. Gal Meiri)

  • Gal Cohen (2020) - Association between Antenatal Sonographic Measures and Autism in High-risk Pregnancies. (Jointly with Prof. Reli Hersichovitch )

  • Yotam Dizitser (2019) - Chronic comorbidities and health service utilization among children with autism (Jointly with Dr. Gal Meiri)

  • Hernan Kosovski (2018) – Prenatal risk factors of autism. (Jointly with Prof. Asher Bashiri)

  • Noa Gohar (2017) - Genetic tests in Israel. (Jointly with Dr. Arie Koifman)

  • Maayan Huberman (2017) - Association between Cesarean section and autism. (Jointly with Prof. Asher Bashiri)

  • Chen Azulai (2016) - Characteristics associated with drug prescription and compliance among children with autism. (Jointly with Dr. Gal Meiri)

  • Liat Waldman (2015) - Fragile X syndrome in Israel. (Jointly with Dr. Arie Koifman)

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